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proprietary rights 所有權。


Regulating various relationships incurred by intellectual products , intellectual property rights law is the prevailing legal system that confirms , protects and makes use of copyrights , industrial property rights and exclusive proprietary rights of other intellectual products 知識產權法是調整因知識產品而產生的各種社會關系的法律規范的總和,它是國際上通行的確認、保護和利用著作權、工業產權以及其他智力成果專有權利的一種專門法律制度。

Due to the historic influence of planned economic system and unclear proprietary rights , the four banks have not built up a profit - aimed operation system , and pay insufficient attention to banks “ earning power , though they have aimed at becoming “ true “ commercial banks 由于計劃經濟體制的歷史影響和產權制度不清晰等原因,四大銀行雖然已向商業銀行轉變,卻并未形成以盈利為目標的經營機制,其盈利能力一直未受到足夠的重視。

The applicant agree to indemnify the hong kong film archive against any claims , damages , losses or costs arising in any manner from the breach of the conditions for reproduction or for any infringement of intellectual property and other proprietary rights arising from the use of “ the reproduction “ 11 .復制申請人需要賠償因違反復制守則或未適當使用復制品所引起侵犯版權及其他擁有權的法律責任而導致香港電影資料館的一切損失。

The legal provitions of multilevel collective right subject , the collective action is controlled by “ agent “ will , erosion that collective proprietary right of land was made by contractual operation right and state executive leads to collective proprietary right of land vacancy 集體權利主體的多級性法律規定,集體行為事實上被“代理人”的意志支配,以及承包經營權、國家行政權對集體土地所有權的侵蝕等導致集體土地權利的缺失。

All entries , photos and other materials the “ entry materials “ including all copyright , trademark and other proprietary rights associated therewith submitted by entrant become the property of hktb upon submission , and entry materials will not be returned to any entrant 參賽者提交的所有作品照片及其他材料下稱參賽材料包括與此有關的所有版權商標及其他專有權利一經提交,即成為旅發局的財產,參賽材料不會退還予參賽者。

The exercise is about data protection protocol at work , a protocol to which both employer and employee should subscribe and that will give due recognition to the proprietary rights of the employer as well as respect for the employee s privacy rights 但這根本不是諮詢文件的焦點所在,大家看到該文件后亦會明白這一點。我們的著眼點是訂立一份約制雇傭雙方的資料保障約章,它既保障資方的實際權益,亦尊重勞方的私隱權。

Article 11 a partner may make capital contribution in cash , tangible goods , land use rights , intellectual property , or other proprietary rights ; the capital contribution referred to above shall be the lawful property and proprietary rights of the partners 第十一條合伙人可以用貨幣、實物、土地使用權、知識產權或者其他財產權利出資;上述出資應當是合伙人的合法財產及財產權利。

Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that nasdaq has proprietary rights in the information that originates on or derives from markets regulated or operated by nasdaq and compilation or other rights in information gathered from other sources 訂閱者承認并同意,那斯達克對于由那斯達克管理與運作的市場所產生與所衍生的資訊具專有權,對于由其他來源匯整的資訊,具編纂和其他權利。

Through dealing with the different regulations of state property right . in the two pieces of proprietary rights drafting act of p . r . c , perface . points out the new characteristics of theoretical research in state property right 引言部分比較了分別由梁慧星先生和王利明先生主持起草的兩稿中國物權法草案建議稿中對國家所有權的不同規定,提出了新時期國家所有權研究的新特點。

Proprietary rights . the software and any accompanying documentation are proprietary products of hongkong post and its third party software vendors including securenet limited ( australia ) and are protected under copyright laws 所有權權利:此軟件及附帶文件為香港郵政及其第三者軟件供應商(包括securenetlimitedaustralia ) )所有,并受版權法保障。

The foregoing grants shall include the right to exploit any proprietary rights in such communication , including but not limited to rights under copyright , trademark , service mark or patent laws under any relevant jurisdiction 以上所指特許權范圍包括利用這些通訊獲取的所有權,包括但不限于版權、商標權、服務商標權或與此相關的專利法之下的任何權利。

Subscriber agrees to acknowledge the source of the downloaded material in any publication resulted from the use of site materials by endorsing the proprietary notice specified in clause 11 , proprietary right to content , below 訂戶同意于所有引用網站資料之著作內,引用下列第十一條“內容之知識產權“內所載之知識產權告示,確認從網站下載資料之來源。

Any publishing information that you disclose to sinobal becomes public information and you relinquish any proprietary rights ( including but not limited to the rights of confidentiality and copyrights ) in such information 您的交易行為我們跟蹤ip地址僅僅只是為了安全的必要。如果我們沒有發現任何安全問題,我們會及時刪除我們收集到的ip地址。

Any item which whether by itself or which contains any design , mechanisms or mark , constitutes an infringement of the copyright , patent , trademark or other proprietary rights whether intellectual or otherwise of another party 所有物品無論本身或其包含的任何設計機械結構標志構成侵犯他人版權專利權注冊商標或擁有權無論是否屬于知識范圍。

At the same time , collective land proprietary right is weakened , land assets are losing seriously , the efficiency of land allocation is lowered . under the situation , the paper researches into some problems of tcocl concerned 本文就集體所有建設用地流轉的相關問題作了一些研究。首先,介紹了集體所有建設用地流轉現象及其意義。

I hereby waive and quitclaim to the company any and all claims , of any nature whatsoever , which i now or may hereafter have for infringement of any proprietary rights assigned hereunder to the company 關于由此委托給公司的任何“專有權” ,本人特此放棄并免除對該公司任何性質的目前或今后以違反為由的所有或任何索賠。

You agree that you shall be solely liable for any damages resulting from any infringement of copyright , trademark , or other proprietary right , or any other loss or harm resulting from your use of this site 您同意獨自負責因您使用本網站所產生任何版權、商標或其他專利權利的侵權造成的損害或任何其他損失或傷害。

You may not remove or obscure any proprietary rights notice , restricted rights legend ( as defined in section 1 . 4 below ) or other notice ( collectively , “ notices “ ) included with the products 您不得除掉或遮掩產品所包含的任何專有權利標記、限制權利圖注(如下文第1 . 4節所定義)或其他標記(統稱“標記“ ) 。

Each member further agrees that by posting any material or information anywhere on the site it surrenders its copyright and any other proprietary right in the posted material or information 不會侵犯任何第三者對該物品享有的物權,或版權、專利、商標、商業秘密或其他知識產權,或隱私權、名譽權; c